The markets are always volatile but, over time, stocks have produced tremendous wealth. There is no reason to expect any different going forward. Therefore, if you are in it for the long term, your investments will likely produce a big pile of cash. But how much of that cash will you actually get to keep?

When we consult a doctor, a lawyer, an architect, or other professional, we expect that following their advice will lead to a better result. Most of us naturally assume this will be true with investment advisors. It may be counter-intuitive, but the opposite is often true.

While alternative approaches will enable you to keep 80%, 90% or even 99% of your investment returns, the investment products recommended by most Canadian investment advisors are designed to leave you with 50% or less of that big pile of cash.

Imagine: you work hard, you sacrifice to save, you risk your money in the market over your working lifetime and you trust your bank to treat you fairly. And they wipe out half of your investment returns in fees. It’s madness.

The big banks are failing Canadians. They should be advising their customers to use low cost investment products. Instead, they continue to push high cost products which extract billions annually from the retirement accounts of average Canadians.

There is a better way: Simply Successful Investing!

  1. Learn investment basics
  2. Think long term
  3. Minimize costs

It’s easy when you know how.

My new book – Beat the Bank: The Canadian Guide to Simply Successful Investing is available now for pre-order on and